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collage colours
* RED… alertness, courage, drive, energy, power, strength,excitement, devotion
* ORANGE… creativity, enthusiasm, friendship,health, humor, ideas,innovation, joy, laughter,loyalty, motivation, security, success, wisdom,
* YELLOW… brightness, caution, confidence, fear, friendliness, hope, imagination, innovation, thought,youth, warmth
* GREEN…cleanliness, efficiency, freshness, friendship, generosity, growth,harmony, luck, nature, new beginnings, youth, relaxation
* BLUE…calm, caution, confidence, faith, freedom, harmony, honesty, logic, peace, reflection, responsibility, strength, trust
* PURPLE….balance, creativity, dignity, independence, individualism, justice, luxury, magic, meditation, truth, wisdom

12-09-15 | 0 comments | in ЦВЕТОТЕРАПИЯ

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